Embarking on a global odyssey, SevenZeroEight Gin weaves together the narratives of diverse individuals from various industries. Born from fortuitous encounters and collaborative minds, this journey resulted in a distinctive, limited-edition creation that excites us to unveil. A serendipitous meeting with cricket legend Shane Warne not only shattered his preconceptions of overly floral or juniper-laden gins but also marked the genesis of ‘The Collector’—an immaculate gin that left Shane impassioned to elevate and share its brilliance with the world.
On the auspicious occasion of Shane Warne’s 50th birthday, precisely on September 13, 2019, the SevenZeroEight team proudly launched their Classic Dry Gin. A mere two months later, the doors opened for online orders.
Delving into the essence of the brand name, SevenZeroEight pays homage to the cricket icon’s unparalleled mastery, known as the “King Of Spin.” This title was earned through Shane Warne’s revolutionary bowling technique, culminating in a staggering 708 wickets during his illustrious Test career.
Crafted from local and sustainable ingredients, the Classic Dry Gin expertly blends juniper, coriander, angelica root, citrus peel, cardamom, liquorice root, orris, and other herbs. This harmonious mix results in a dry gin with delightful citrus and herbaceous notes—smooth, clean, and refreshingly balanced. Unlike typical dry gins, it avoids an overwhelming juniper profile, making it perfect for a classic G&T or a fresh martini with a lemon twist.